Monday, November 21, 2005

Last GMA picture

Hey guys,
Sorry to keep posting pictures from GMA, but I promise this is the last. My friend Stephanie went with me. They were just about to start filming (live) the weather when she dropped her camera and it went sliding across the floor, right in front of Tony Perkins. His assistant picked it up and they immediately started filming. After they were finished his assistant said, "who's camera?" Stephanie quietly said, "Mine" THen he said, "well, you and your friend come over and lets get a picture with you and Tony." They were all really nice and friendly. Tony is actually not renewing his contract. He is returning to his former job as a weatherman for a Fox affiliate in DC. [Like the way I use the lingo like affiliate...just a little something I picked up at my stint with GMA!:) ] Seriously, he is just ready to go back to where he is from. They don't have anyone to take his place yet, but they are auditioning now. I was hoping they would see me and recognize the weather potintial within...but no such luck! I guess I should have told them about Mitchell, doesn't he want to be a weatherman?

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