Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring Break

Hello Family! We are all doing "pretty good" as Clair says. Kate is having Spring Break this week. (She doesn't like to call it a break...she says it is vacation.) Yesterday we went with our friends, the Sainsburys, to a dollar movie theater to see "Curious George". When we got there we discovered that Tuesday's are only 50cents! So for $1.50 all three of us saw a movie. It was really pretty cute, a must see for folks who like animation and cute little stories. I was surprised to recognize several voices...Drew Barrymore and Will Ferell. When we got out of the movie I said, "So, Kate what did you think?" She said, "I LOVED it, can we stay and see it again?" "I asked Clair, "Did you like it Clair?" She said, "No, I didn't. It was scary." It was as far from scary as you get, but if Kate says yes than Clair will say no! (Kate is the same way, if Clair wants OJ for breakfast, then Kate wants apple juice!) They are so crazy. I think it was just too long to be still for Clair. Well, she better get used to it, free (air conditioned) summer movies will be my choice of entertainment this HOT summer! :)

Today on our spring break (vacation)agenda we are practicing our letters (Kate), practicing our shapes (Clair) and making blackberry freezer jam (Kate while Clair naps). We do have to run to the store to get some freezer containers and 2 more pints of blackberries. However, I am so excited to have some good blackberry jam with some it! I also have to run by the library to drop off a movie. However, we will not be getting new books just yet, as we have yet to finish ALL the lengthy animal books Kate requested. We are in the middle of the parrot book and still have to read the lion and peguin books. Kate is still amazed with the peacock book, when they showed India on a map during conference, Kate yells out, that is where peacocks are from! She also now would like to own a bird. After "babysitting" some birds for a friend once, I say a BIG NO! They make a big mess. Kate has promised she will always clean up after them, but I don't think so. They can live a LONG time, and I just don't want to deal with it.

Well, I better go...I need to shower and run to the store so we can get going on our activities for today! Love and miss you all!

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