Sunday, April 23, 2006

New York Spa Week

This past week, NYC had it's bi-anual Spa week. What is Spa week you ask? Well, that is when all the Spa's in NYC offer services at a discounted rate. Seeing that this doesn't happen often, two of my roommates and I decided to take action. We made ourselves appointments at an reputable NYC spa. It was actually in Chelsea. We went and had a "Slimming Body Wrap." For all of you mere-mortals or non-celebrities...let me explain what this procedure involves. (Also, let me say that I too was a mere-mortal/non-celebrity until Saturday morning, when I had my first "Slimming Body Wrap.") Once in the Spa treatment room, you remmove your clothes (keeping you bra on) and put on these paper underwear. The Spa specialist rubs some kind of herbs on you and then paints your body with a herbal parifin wax. You are then wrapped in seran-wrap, placed in a plastic wrap and covered with two blankets. For 45 minutes your body is supposed to be "detoxifying" itself. Interesting! Once you have detoxified, the Spa Specialist cuts you out of the seran-wrap and then wipes any excess parafin off you. I was a little uncomfortable, because I am a little on the modest side, but the Specialist was from Russian and spent the whole time telling me about a lady who had this treatment before me that was, and I quote..."As big as this whole room!" That made me feel some what better. The treatment is supposed to make you loose 6 to 20 inches. My roommates and I forgot to measure ourselves before the treatment, so we are not really sure how many inches we lost. I can't say that we really lost inches, but my skin did feel tighter and softer. (My roommates felt the same.) We had to drink water all day to "rehydrate" ourselves. Now for the big question...would I ever do it again? Maybe if I was very wealthy...but probably not! This is a procedure that all the stars have done before the big award shows! The only part that I was a little uncomfortable with, was when the "specialist" moved aside my paper panties and painted my buttocks! That made me nervous...only my mom and the Dr. has ever seen my butt cheeks! Now I guess we can add the Russian Spa Specialist, that I hope to never see again! :)

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