Saturday, December 10, 2005

What do these two pictures have in common?

Now the picture on the top is of Ross, from Friends with his monkey Marcel. The one on the bottom is a lynx. What do they have in common? Well, both would be considered wild animals...that is everywhere except for in NYC. where they are considered great pets. You might be asking yourself how I know this...right? Well, a few weeks ago my roommates and I went to Chinatown. On the subway home, a man had a bag that was zipped up. He opened a can of baby food, unzipped the bag and out popped a Lynx. Yes, a real living lynx. He feed it babyfood. My roommates and I were a little afraid that it would jump out and start attaching. Luck for us it didn't. We were shocked non the less. Now what does a lynx have in common with Ross' monkey Marcel, well also today coming home from Chinatown my roommate and I ran into a man with a Marcel look-a-like monkey on his shoulders. You see it was not a puppet, but a living breathing Marcel monkey. It was very strange. I have to say that weird things happen in NYC every day. As I watched Friends years ago, with Ross and his monkey I didn't think that the story line could be based off of fact. Well, I am pretty sure I saw the man and his monkey in SoHo today! Oh... to quote my friend Stephanie, "I worry about the mental health of this city on a daily basis!" :)

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