Thursday, December 15, 2005

Kids are Funny

The other day on our way home from Greenville, we stopped in Commerce to get some gas. A huge white stretch limo pulled into the gas station. I pointed it out to the girls. Kate said, “Wow! It is really big!” I agreed. Then she said, “Boy, they must have a LOT of kids!”

Yesterday, Clair was playing with a Barbie. Kate got several pairs of Barbie shoes with one of her dolls on her birthday. Clair was trying all the shoes on her doll. (She loves shoes...just like her Mimi!) Then she took a pair of shoes, and carefully lined them up next to each other on the floor and proceeded to try to put her foot in the shoe. Now I know she has small feet, but they aren’t THAT small. Every time she would try to put her foot into a shoe, it would knock the shoe over and then she would patiently set the shoe back up right and try again. She did this with every pair of shoes. It was very comical to watch!

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