Friday, December 02, 2005

Think of me when...

- you go to Target that is just around the corner from your house. I have to travel at least 30 minutes by subway to get to a Target.
- you go to Wal-Mart. I haven't been to a Wal-mart since the beginning of August. Oh how I know I am disappointing Uncle Jim and Sam Walton. But the truth is that nearest Wal-mart is over 100 miles from the city. I couldn't even tell you what city it is in.
- you buy products that are shown on TV. Sure NYC has the staples and some really fancy things, but new products are just not able to be found here.
- you start up your car, get in, and drive yourself places...there is independence in owning a vehicle.

Now I will think of you when...
- I see all the STARS!!!! They are everywhere. Here is a list of my neighbors (at least they live in my neighborhood): Conan O'Brian, Cynthia Nixon, and Kevin Bacon-wife. The new game will be linking Emily to Kevin Bacon.
- I get to go to all the premieres of movies. I've been to Harry Potter and happened past Walk the Line. Who really knows how many more are in my future...the possibilties are limitless.
- I eat a fresh canoli. Man those are good! (Don't worry mom...I am not eating too many of them.
- I don't have to pay high gas prices to drive my car around town. All I have to pay is $76 a month for a Metro Card. (now that I write this, I am not sure that is cheaper!)
- I go to the church in the temple every Sunday. That is really cool.

I won't go on and make you jealous. I just wanted to point out that there are really good things too. I am glad to be here. I do miss you all though!

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