Saturday, December 03, 2005

Seven Rats and Bitter cold winds!

No this is not the title of Stephen King's latest novel. It is information about today...Saturday. Now let me explain. There are a few things that I am keeping track of during my time here in NYC. Don't ask me why I chose these things, because there is really no method to my just sort of happened.! (I guess I might have a little of Joel's OCD!) One is how many miles I walk (232.37 miles), the amount of change I find on the ground (so far over $2) and the number of rats I see in the subway. As of today seven. I am not really sure why they are not burrowing in deeper than the subway because it is sooooo cold, but I had gone weeks without seeing any and yesterday and today I saw one. Now the second part of my title is to tell you that the cold here is like nothing I have ever experienced. Now all of your Ricks-ers will say that you have been there, but this is least that is what my roommates tell me. The wind is humid and it cuts to the bone. I could seriously double up on the wear long underwear and still feel it. I think I am going to start wearing tights under all my pants. Fridgid doesn't even begin to describe it. I am not complaining...I am just informing.

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