Friday, December 09, 2005

How the other half lives!

Today I was subbing again at that all boys school on the upper east side of Manhattan. My eyes were opened as to how the other half lives. As I am struggling to get to school in three inches of snow, cars pull up with drivers dropping little boys off. In the class I asked who had their Christmas tree yet. One or two raised their hands, but one boy said, "Here in the city or in our country house?" Several explained that they live in the city, but have "country homes" in Connecticut or Mass. One boy then said, "We have a tree here in our penthouse, but it is small. Out huge tree is in our country house. We go there as soon as school is over and then we spend Christmas in Switzerland." What would that be like? Here I am counting rats in the (up to 9)and praying that the MTA (Metro Transportation Association) doesn't strike, and he is worried about country homes. The MTA is thinking about striking and it couldn't happen at a worse time. That would be horrible for me. I would have to take Taxi's or put some major milage on my podometor. Finger crossed Mayor Bloomberg and the union work it out! It is just too cold to walk. Who knew I would ever miss driving in the snow...well as I trudge through it today, I did!

love ya all! Please pray the weather is nice on the 23rd when I have my ticket to come home. I have this fear that I will get stuck here or worse in Chicago, where I have a lay over.

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