Thursday, December 15, 2005

The 4 main food groups, candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup!

This is the Hershey's store in Times Square. There is candy gallore in here. Kate, Clair, and any chocolate lover would love is chocolate heaven! My title for this blog is in regards to this certainly is the place to eat from the 4 food groups listed above. Does anyone know the movie reference for my title? (I DO!) My old roommate Cindy is in town visiting. We went to Times Square today and to Rockefeller Center. This is the two of us in front of the ice rink and the tree. To say it is frigid is a major understatement. I am pretty sure frozen chicken thighs are warmer than my thighs were today. I had on long johns and tights under my pants and I was still frozen. When I came home I had to take off my pants to make sure they weren't black from frost bite, like Adam Sandlier's feet were on Mr. Deeds. If they do get like that I promise to let someone...probably Joel (b/c I think he would get the most enjoyment ouf of it)...poke my legs with a fire poker, like Mr. Deeds did with his butler. :) Thankful this time out and about they didn't turn black. (Don't worry Joel there is still a chance, as I will be going out into the cold several more times before I come home on Tuesday!)


Bright-Mom said...

IS your title from Charley and the Chocolate Factory?

Bright-Mom said...

I would like to visit Chocolate land...AKA The Hershey store!

Bright-Mom said...

Nope, I was wrong about the movie...I just looked it up and I haven't even seen the movie it is quoted from...however, i won't spoil the fun for others to guess.