Monday, March 20, 2006

More info about Pee from Mom

Dear Fam….Rosalind….I hate to burst your bubble, but I am surrounded by 473 people over the age of 55 that may very well pee their pants on occasion. Yes, I know I am paid to be here, but frankly, there are some days when I wonder what in the heck I am doing here! It can be harrowing. Just today one of them met me at the door as I arrived to complain about the date I had selected to go to the Broadway Series production of Lion King…now I ask you…how many 75 year olds stress about the day they will be seeing Lion King? Of course this person fully expected me to change the date everyone else had purchased their tickets so that the bus would be taking he and his wife (alone, I might add) to the date they preferred. Sound childish? At least Clair is adorable…these people have nose and ear hair and yellow teeth. I need a refreshing change! Give that adorable little Clair a kiss from her Mimi.


1 comment:

Bright-Mom said...

Mom, I was going to put something about the fact that you might also have to deal with those who pee in their pants, but I didn't want you to get in trouble if someone read it! :)