Monday, May 08, 2006

For the Love of Nancy!

Ok, not much to blog today, but I did want to blog something....

So, yesterday, we were on the phone to family and Clair goes and gets like a MILLION tissues. She had this HUGE wad as big as her head! Kate came running to me and of course had to tattle. I went around and corner and there she was with her cranium sized wad of tissue. I said, "Clair, for the love of Nancy...what are you doing?" She says (in her most calm, plain, everyday, whats the big deal voice) "I have to blow my noes." Then she proceeds to put her tiny little face into that huge wad of tissue and make her mousey little attempt at blowing her noes. I would have lost if laughing if I was so mad about the fact that she just wasted almost an entire box of tissues!

My girls are totally crazy about George Strait. I have his 50 number one hits in the van and we listen to it all the requested by Kate and Clair. Kate's favs are "Baby Blue" and "Ocean Front Property". Clair loves "Baby Blue" (as well) and "All My Ex's Live in Texas". They both sing at the top of their lungs. Kate starts "Baby Blue" real quiet...."She looks so much like a lady, she looks so much like a child" and then belts out the chours! Clair just shouts it all! While we were at church for the Cinco de Mayo party we weren't allowed to call Cinco de Mayo (long story if you haven't already heard) Clair got on a piano in the room off the kitchen and started playing and singing "Baby Blue". It was cute.

Well, Bowen is growing and moving like crazy. I can't wait to go to Texas so you guys can feel him practicing his football drills while still in the womb! We are still working on the nursery and didn't get a whole lot done Saturday as Stephen finally had a nice day to do some much needed lawn work.

Well, I better go. I sure wish we were all in Texas together this week. I am sad to think of all the fun you guys are having without me, but hope you enjoy your time together and hope Em's trip is very sucessful! Love you all mucho mucho!

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