Thursday, February 23, 2006

Funny Kids

So, while I am e-mailing and stuff the girls were in the other room watching Disney...Little Einsteins, and I head Kate fussing at Clair. Then I heard Kate crying. I guess she was fussing at Clair and so Clair took this play cleaning brush and whapped Kate upside the head with it! I held the laughter in and told them both they needed to be nice to each other. I told Clair hitting is NOT nice. Kate admitted to fussing at Clair and I told them to hug and say sorry...they have been playing nice ever since! Those kids. While we were waiting for Kate to finish pre-school I gave Clair two little candies. When I looked back she still had one in her hand. I asked her if she was going to eat it and she said, "No, it's sissy's!" I told her it was very nice of her to save one for Kate and so I gave her another one for her to eat. I thought that was so sweet...then she come home and whapps her upside the head with this big old hard plastic brush! Oh the humor of it all!

1 comment:

Em said...

I know two other sisters that used to do similar things to each other and then would hug and say sorry. Just a few words...Rifle Rock, door, holes! But man I love that sister!