Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Clair in the Spot Light!

Clair had her final "Big show" at Little Gym yesterday since it was the end of the term! She got to perform for everyone and did such an awesome job! Here are some pics!
After their routines, they got to take their families around and show them their favorite things to do!
Then they got medals! Clair was SO proud of her little medal! she even wanted to wear it to bed!


Em said...

I adore Clair's hair! She looks so cute.

britni said...

I love how they think medals are the absolute coolest thing ever. Brooklyn wore her participation medal for two days straight and then finally we went swimming and I have hid it in that bag ever since!

Brooke said...

What cute kids you have! HOw cool that she is in gymnastics. I love her hair too.