Monday, February 21, 2011

What a SNOW DAY in Texas?

Yep, that's exactly what happened at the end of January. The news dubbed it "Artic Blast 2011!" I'm not sure that many people would agree that it was truly an "Artic Blast" but it was pretty cold. Schools and works closed, but when I woke up there wasn't much sticking to the grass, but the streets and cement were covered with a little snow and a nice layer of ice. Here is outside my house.

Thanks to my steep driveway, Brooklyn, Jack and Joel enjoyed some sledding. Sadly working from home means that there is no such thing as a "snow day." While I was on a conference call, Joel and the kids had some fun sledding down my driveway on container lids and in my recycle box. And to think that my dad thought my driveway wasn't worth anything. This year I think Brooklyn, Jack and Joel would totally disagree.

Brooklyn also loved making snow angels.

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