Friday, March 07, 2008

Super Tuesday 2

With "Super Tuesday 2" behind us...Texas held their primaries this past Tuesday. I thought I would take the time to tell you about my political views. Ok, I'm not really going to do that, but I am going to tell you about my experience voting. Joel and I got up at the butt-crack of dawn to go to our precinct to vote. I didn't want to wait in any lines. Joel was leaving as I was arriving and at that time there were NO lines, but I hear the lines did get bad. It was very interesting talking to co-workers, because I discovered that if you voted Republican you were asked 3 questions on the ballot that Democrats were not asked on their ballots. What is up with that?
Brooklyn came over that Tuesday night for an hour to play. I asked her if she went with her mom to vote. She said, "My mom doesn't bote." I said, "Didn't she go to a place to vote and get a round sticker?" She said, "I got a sticker with a flag on it." I said, "I think that is where your mom voted for President." She said, "We don't need to bote for President, our church already has one, but it's not President Hinckley anymore." I thought that was cute. I had to explain President of the US -vs- President of the Church. I don't think she got it, but I was glad that she thinks President Monson is enough for us. Oh that all the world felt that way.

1 comment:

britni said...

Thats funny..I hadn't heard that version yet. I went at 10ish (now everytime I say "ish" I think of Danny on AI) and had no lines, but did have to chase my child around. My voting place was at a church and next o the machine was a recreational room (brooklyn thought it was a room just for her to play in) I could see her while I was voting and let her stand in the room and look around (it didn't take me long). I then took my card from the machine, went and got Brooklyn and then was going to go give the guy my card. The guy came running after me because he thought I was running off with a card! It was so funny...and embarrassing!