Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Poor Foot...Poor Hair

Last week was crazy.

First Bowen hurt his foot. We thought it might be broken, but after a trip to the ER and FIFTY BUCKS later, we learned it wasn't broke, just a soft tissue injury (which means a really bad, deep bruise). Still it has been over and week and still it is so swollen and bruised. However he is walking just fine on it.
Then, while I was out doing mom stuff, Stephen was watching the kids. When I got home, Stephen informed me that Clair cut her hair. This is the 2nd time! So, she got in trouble and her perfect hair is no longer perfect. But her sweet little face still is!


Em said...

It could be worse...she could have cut off her nose!

britni said...

Oh I still love that sweet face. I hope Bowens foot gets better fast!

Brooke said...

Her little smile is still sweet :) That is hilarious, (knock on wood) I haven't had any bad haircuts done by the kids, just bad ones from Mama :)
Poor little Bowen, that looks like it hurts. Kate looks cute all in red singing too.
Miss you guys.