Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Party Part 2

Here are Clair's friends and Princess Cinderella!
Here is Cinderella giving Clair tips on how to pucker up to kiss her frog...another fun game we played! Thanks Mimi for drawing such a cute frog! Each girl got to keep her lip gloss used for the game. Thank goodness for cheap lip gloss at Wal Mart!
Here is the birthday girl playing the Princess and the Pea. We had several pillows lined up and one had a "pea" under it. They each had to guess which pillow had the pea under it! Only one little princess got it right.
Opening presents equaled LOTS of hugs and lots of fun new toys! Do you see Papa in the back holding cuz Alex!
Before cake & ice cream, Princess Cinderella (aka Aunt Jessica) sang a very
pretty song to the birthday girl! It was so special!

1 comment:

britni said...

Clair looks just like a princess! Ros the cake turned out sooo cute! Wish we couldve been there! Miss ya tons! So you in a couple of weeks!