Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Travelin' Around

Summer as a teacher used to be relaxing and fun. Summer now is busy...full of travel. Since April, here is where I've been. After spending a glorious week in Orlando, Florida (pictures have already been posted) with the family - minus Joel :( at DisneyWorld, I flew to Anaheim, CA for a week long conference. I stayed right outside of Disney Land. That was a lot of Mickey Mouse.

I also found myself in San Jose and Monterey, CA. I love's so beautiful, but totally over cast the whole trip. I drove from San Jose to Monterey and it was such a gorgeous drive. That is a wonderful part of our country.

Just a weekend after I spent in CA...I hoped on a plan and spent 2 days in Nebraska. Now maybe there are nice places of Nebraska, but I didn't visit them and I didn't find one photo op the whole time I was there.

The 2nd week of May I found myself in Colorado Springs, CO. I was hoping that I would get to see my cousin Stephanie and family but there was no time. I spent the whole week before going in a total state of panic. Why? Because I was taking customers golfing. Now I love to golf, but I really stink at it, plus I haven't been in about 4 years. It's not really like riding a bike...I think I was way worse then I was 4 years ago. After the 1st 4-some decided to play best ball. We had a lot more fun after that. So much less presure. I should have called my cousin Stephanie and borrowed her oldest...he's a great golfer and a few pointers from him could have improved my time. It was fun and I really enjoyed Colorado, but 18 holes made me so tired. I especially enjoyed a dinner up in the mountains. It was gorgeous.

May ended so great. I spent 3 days in San Diego, CA. Talk about gorgeous. I had the chance to go to the San Diego Temple. What a beautiful place.

I got there before dark, but when I left it was dark and the temple looked so majestic with the lights on.
I also got to go to La Joya and see the sea lions/seals...whatever they were. All I know is they are pretty stinky creatures and there were tons of them. My pictures don't do the situation justice.

I also celebrated a birthday. My mom had shipped in Rice to Riches, which is one of my favorite treats from NYC. What a great mom! We all enjoyed Italian food and then ended the night with this amazing bowl of "Sex, Drugs, and Rocky Road" rice pudding. YUMMY!

June started and I headed for 2 days to Longview, need to take pictures. Nothing really to take a picture of. ONly real noteable thing about Longview is that Miranda Lambery (country singer) is from there.

I also drove to and from Houston for a presentation. If you know know I don't like to drive long distances and Houston is considered a long distance. Sadly it was easier to drive than it was to fly.

I also went to Denver over night and on my way back to Dallas my plane had to emergency land. I knew it wasn't a good thing when the plane started to fill with smoke and it smelled like something was on fire. We landed in Witchta Falls, Texas at the Air Force Base. We weren't allowed to exit the plane and it was in the middle of a storm. When the plane was cleared to take off again...we flew the 25 minutes to Dallas very low and with no air pressure. Once we got to the airport it was after 1 am. No hotels, no taxis, no way out of the terminal...without getting stuck. I slept on a cot, or at least tired, for a few hours before the airport came alive at 4 am...yes you read that right...4 am. That is what time someone started vacuuming under my cot. Weather kept me in Dallas until 1 pm when after sitting on the plane from 8 am to 1 pm...we finally took off. No you didn't read about that in the news because they gave us 1 glass of water, so it's not considered torure. I did miss my contection and my appointment in Tyler, Texas.

I'm going to stop my update there...I will post the read of my travels another day.


Bright-Mom said...

Wish you could add some trips to South Carolina in there! I mean gosh, you have so much time! :)

Em said...

Move South Carolina into the west and I will be happy to visit there for work! :)

britni said...

Hello!!! forgot...Matthew Mccounaughey...he is from Longview!!! He was most handsome of his class for the Longview Lobos! :) Man I love that San Diego temple..its just gorgeous!

Brooke said...

Loved seeing you in Utah... even though your shirt was a little wacky :) Come to utah again soon. Love you Em