Saturday, March 13, 2010

Peacock Strides for Babies 5K

Kate ran her first 5K today! She did SO well! But I admit, I totally held her back. She was ahead of me the whole race. I kept calling up for her to stay where I could see her. The race was so hilly! I was dying trying to keep up with her and run the killer hills! At one point she did waited for me. I said, "Oh you are so sweet to wait for your old mom." She said, "My hoddie zipper is stuck and I didn't want to cross the street without you." So, I fixed the zipper and we crossed the street and off she ran. Then we came to a really large hill that I could not see the other side. So I hollered up to Kate to wait. I told her to walk with me until I could see the other side. So she skipped up this huge hill - show off! I was so proud of her. She did such a good job! I really did hold her back. I need to find her a better running partner. Way to go Kate - you are a natural runner!


littlegry said...

GOOD JOB KATE!! You are a natural runner. KEEP IT UP!!

britni said...

Way to go KATE!!!! Great Job BOTH of you! I am impressed!

Em said...

I think I'm your biggest fan. I'm way proud of you.