Friday, September 11, 2009

Where were you when the world stop turning, that September Day?

I can recall very clearly where I was Sept. 11, 2001. I was in my apartment in Provo, Utah getting ready for work. My mom called to tell me to turn on the news, because one of the World Trade Towers had been hit by a plane. We knew nothing at that time. As I am watching in horror, a plane crashes into the 2nd tower. I didn't want to leave my room. I wanted to stay and watch as the most horrible attack, in my history unfolded. By the time I got to the school the Pentagon was hit and shortly after the plane went down in Penn. What was happening? As I was starting class, my cell phone rang and it was my dad. He asked if I was ok, but there was something in his voice. I knew something wasn't right. Very choked up, he informed me that my cousin Chy had yet to get ahold of her husband Shane, who worked in Manhattan. I started crying. I spent the rest of the morning with a 3rd grade teacher waiting to hear about Shane, as she waited to hear about her daughter at the Pentagon. Lucky for us both, our loved ones were spared, but I can't help but think of the others who didn't make it that fearful day. I believe I cried every day for at least a month as I watched footage and heard stories. I still get emotional today. This day now is a symbol of what America is. We are a country of strong men and women who when the going gets tough they pitch in an help one another. We are surrounded by people who serve and sacrifice for people they don't know. The "first responders" that day and every day, amaze me. Thank you for your service. I loved the time that followed, although sad, it also brought a sense of patriotism, neighborly love, and kindness to our country. People were softer, more helpful, and tried to be better. How could you not, with all the amazing acts of kindness reported from that day.
I love the skyline of NYC, especially this time of year. It reminds me of the time when we, as American's pulled together.

I will never forget my first fall in NYC, as these beams of light towered in the sky, I was reminded of how thankful I am to live in this country and for the men and women who risk their lives for my freedoms, safty. and protect.

You've got to watch this video. It is a great way to remember what we should never forget!


Bright-Mom said...

I was on bed rest expecting Kate. When dad called to check on me, I burst into tears and said, "Why am I bring a child into this horrible world?" My dad said, "You can't think like that! That is how Satan wants us to think. You never know how that little baby might change this world for the better!" So here is to all those who have been born since 9-11-01...may you make the world a better place!

britni said...

I was getting dressed for Chemistry (yuck)..when my roomates mom called to tell us. I turned on the TV and watched what I could..then headed to Chemistry..were the teacher quickly released us. My Chemistry friends, Heath, Joel, Cam and the gang all sat in the Manwaring ? Center for the longest time watching the towers fall and history unfold.

Arlene said...

Emily, you are such a role model for me. Thank you!!