Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Celebrity Sighting...AGAIN!

It's really hard to be me...constantly running into celebrities. It happened when I lived in NYC, it happened when I visited NYC, and now it is happening when I get near NYC. While I was at the Newark, NJ airport waiting for my plane to Richmond, VA a gentleman walked off the plane and he looked familiar. It wasn't that he looked like a was that I'd seen that freakish look before. I slyly snapped a picture with my it is a little fuzzy.

Since my picture is so fuzzy...I thought I would show you a better picture from Wikepedia. If you don't already know who this "celebrity" is George Clinton. He is a R&B/Rap/Funk musician. He has sung songs such with the likes of Tu Poc (not sure how to spell that) and many others.

If you want to know how out his him!

1 comment:

Kimm said...

So good to hear from you..I need to visit Texas!! That would be so much fun!! It would be good to see you again!!