Monday, April 28, 2008

Can you guess what Brooklyn is doing?

A couple of weeks ago we had a garage sale at Joel and Brit's. Brooklyn had her baby out and was playing with her. At one point I looked over and she had her shirt almost above her head and her baby, feet straight in air and head on her chest. I asked what she was doing. She told me she was nursing her baby. I told her that we didn't do that in front of people. The next thing I know I turned around and saw this...

I had to take a picture. She sat like that for quite sometime. Then she burped her baby and threw her in the playpen. WHat a good mama!


rocketmom said...

She is toooooo good of a mama...that is her problem sometimes with Jack! Oh! I love her though! What a character. I am so glad that you got a picture of it!

angie jones said...

Loved this picture Emily! It made me laugh out loud and after TAKS week that is just what I needed! Hope you guys don't mind me posting on your blog.