Friday, March 23, 2007

Sleep Over FUN

Brooklyn likes to sleep over at Mimi and Papa's house alot. We always have a fun time with her, but we know it would be much more fun with 2 other little girls around. We sure wish Kate and Clair lived closer, so we could make it an even BIGGER party. Last time we had fun playing hide and seek under the covers and flying a kite with Papa. Brooklyn was slightly afraid of the kite at first, but she sure loved playing with Papa. We just wish it had been a little windier, like it had been the day before. Brooklyn is also slightly obsessed with the "MEOW" next door. She knows it's a cat, but thinks it's name is "MEOW." I caught he saying, "High Fibe Meow!" and slapping her hand in the air in the direction of the cat. Like most cats, he/she really wants nothing to do with her. She even goes into the neighbors yard (like in the picture) to see that cat. She hunts it down anywhere! Every time she sees it she says, "I love you best, Meow." Which is also what she tells everyone when she says I love you. Just substitute your name in the place of meow. She's a loving little lady!

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