Thursday, October 28, 2010

Annual Halloween Lunch...well sort of!

So this year, do to crazy weekend schedules and Brooklyn being in school full time we opted for a Halloween after school snack party. Brooklyn came as a peacock and Jack was a Jack in the Box. Both were darling.

We had a nice little spread.

We had popcorn ball ghosts, egg monsters, kiwi-steins, monster toes, and big mouths. All was yummy, but the popcorn ball ghost was the hit of the afternoon. My favorite was the kiwi-steins, but the kids did not like them.

We decorated felt pumpkins and painted pictures with edible paint onto brownies. Those turned out lovely.

Can you guess which 3 are Brooklyn's and which 3 are Jack's? Brooklyn's is a "brewja" - witch in clue if I'm spelling it correctly, a jack-o-lantern, and a vampire. Jack's are all race cars. I guess he didn't quite understand the Halloween part of the assignment. :)

My favorite part of the afternoon was watching them dive into the popcorn ball ghost. I turned around only to find them each head first in the ghost. Yummy!

The only thing missing was 3 little Bright children. Maybe one day we will all live close enough to have a BIG Halloween lunch together.

I have to say that I was a little disappointed in myself this year. Visit my post about last year's Halloween lunch and you will understand. I wasn't nearly as creative...Ros said, "This is your rebuilding year." I guess that's true...I've got to start planning now for next year. As Brooklyn was getting in the car to leave, she said, "Thanks Aunt Emily, and don't forget to do this again next year!" So she is already planning too. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tie-dying this summer

Brooklyn had been wanting to learn to tie-dye, so the weekend before school started we got a handy-dandy kit and went out in the back yard and tie-dyed 2 shirts and an apron. It was fun, but a little messy.

Fun in the Florida Sun

I spent 2 weeks in August and 1 week in October in Florida. August was humid and hot, but I really enjoyed October. In October we stayed right on the beach...which was heavenly. I loved running each evening on the beach. I could get use to that.

Here is a picture of me and 3 of my co-workers. Can you tell that one of these feet is not like the others?

I almost stepped on this lovely washed up on the beach Jelly fish. glad I didn't step on it.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate!

Sadly I only have the pictures on my that's not a lot and they aren't very good quality, but I still wanted to acknowledge that today is a celebration of something great! The day I became an AUNT! 9 years ago today Kate came into our lives and our family. We couldn't have been happier! I hope you have a great birthday. Wish we could be there again this year!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Cute Halloween Craft

I love Halloween and I love to decorate my house. I decided to make a new decoration with my favorite candy to decorate with, but never will I let one pass through my lips. Candy corn are cute, but nasty!

Here is a picture up close.

I like them, but they are delicate. I hope they can make it to next year.