Friday, March 23, 2007

My New House

Sleep Over FUN

Brooklyn likes to sleep over at Mimi and Papa's house alot. We always have a fun time with her, but we know it would be much more fun with 2 other little girls around. We sure wish Kate and Clair lived closer, so we could make it an even BIGGER party. Last time we had fun playing hide and seek under the covers and flying a kite with Papa. Brooklyn was slightly afraid of the kite at first, but she sure loved playing with Papa. We just wish it had been a little windier, like it had been the day before. Brooklyn is also slightly obsessed with the "MEOW" next door. She knows it's a cat, but thinks it's name is "MEOW." I caught he saying, "High Fibe Meow!" and slapping her hand in the air in the direction of the cat. Like most cats, he/she really wants nothing to do with her. She even goes into the neighbors yard (like in the picture) to see that cat. She hunts it down anywhere! Every time she sees it she says, "I love you best, Meow." Which is also what she tells everyone when she says I love you. Just substitute your name in the place of meow. She's a loving little lady!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Brooklyn at Judson Track meet

Okay last ones, but I love these pictures of our future track star soaking it all in. She is just sitting by me being a good little girl watching her daddy coach the high jumpers. She loved it. We also sat by the start and she loved hearing the gun go off. She would just laugh and say OH My! After it was over she helped her dad put up the poles and was quite the big helper. Good thing it was hot that day and we had to leave because I am pretty sure we wouldn't have been able to keep her off the track. She thought she should participate as well. Man do I have my handsfull, but as I do I laugh so hard at her inside!

Brooklyn's Gymnastics

Here is little miss sunshine during her favorite part of the week...Gymnastics!

Brooklyn's Easter Pics

Here is Brooklyn posing for her Easter pictures. She was quite the mess that day! Ros your family looks so beautiful! I wish we could have them all pose together! Someday soon....i hope!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pro Photo Shoot

Here are a few of the highlights from todays picture session!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A few pics of the house...

Here are a few pics of our house from before we moved in. ( furniture!) I'll have to take some with furniture so you guys can see it! This will give you an idea of what it looks like!

Basketball Boy

Those wet spots on his shirt aren't from's sweat from "crawling" up and down the court!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A new Discovery

I was talking to a friend and I was telling her how much I loved Valentine's candy. Then I walked down the aisle at the store where they were putting out Easter candy. I realized that I really like Easter candy too. The more I started thinking about it, the more I realized that I just basically like candy; all seasons, all sizes (not too small though), and almost all flavors (not too fond of the weird flavored Jelly Bellies-like snot or throw-up). Imagine my surprise and delight to find the following blog that pays homage to CANDY! Now this is my kind of blog. Just a little warning that if you are at all hungry, viewing this blod will only make it worse. It was also get a reaction out of your sweet be careful!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cool Balloon Art

My friend emailed me these cool pictures of balloon art. I thought it was worth sharing. Oh to have the talent to create things with balloons! Think of the fun you would have.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Okay I think it is working.

Brooklyn LOVES watching Rikky Fernandes do ANYTHING, but she had so much fun watching him swim at the STATE meet. Congrats Rikky! The second picture is of her playing with all of her goodies that Cupid brought her on V-day. The final picture is of her playing dress up. She loves being all dolled up! So cute! She also has the same goofy cheezy smile too! Sometimes I just want to pinch her cheeks off when she smiles like that!

Come on guys!

Guys, we've been total slackers with our Blog....what's the deal with that! I'd like to see some pictures of Bowen appear on this thing. It's been too long! I will try to do better about posting as well...although my life is some what boring. Once I get my house, I will post pictures of my house. Let's get going!